Questions Your Vet Can Answer About Your Senior Small-Breed Dog

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Adult dog on raft 7 Questions to Ask Your Vet about Your Senior Small Breed Dog

As your dog ages, especially small dogs, their physical and nutritional needs change. Scheduling regular vet visits and feeding the right food can make a big difference in your dog’s health.

Having a good relationship with your veterinarian is important and taking time to discuss your questions or concerns can be significant to the overall health of your dog. Here are a few questions you should consider asking at your next veterinarian visit.

  1. At what age is my dog considered ‘senior’?
  2. Do older dogs have special nutritional needs?
  3. What kind of health risks do aging pets have?
  4. Does my senior dog need to visit the vet more often?
  5. How is a senior dog health exam different from a standard adult dog health exam?
  6. Are there any laboratory tests that should be performed on my senior dog in order to detect early onset of potential health issues?
  7. Isn’t slowing down considered normal for an aging pet?

There are many health conditions that can become prevalent during your dog’s senior years. Speaking to ,your veterinarian, and understanding what to look out for, will be time well spent to help keep your dog healthy and happy for many years to come.

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